Friday, November 02, 2007

World Tallest Plaza - Over 1,7XX years Ago - 黃鶴樓 天下第一樓

World Tallest Plaza - Over 1,7XX years Ago - 黃鶴樓 天下第一樓

This is the Yellow Crane Plaza, It was 1st built over 1,7XX years ago ( Some time 223A.D. in the 3 Kingdom era) mainly with wood.

From my appraisal, the building is actually built on a 300 -400ft elevation. Physical building is about 8 floors high. The 1st floor is about 40ft tall. Each floor is about 15ft high from floor to ceiling. These total for the physical height without the thrush & the roof part is 160ft high.

When including the thrush & roof it is estimated at 200ft.

The plaza have undergone many ups & downs.

It is still stood strong & healthy @ WuHan near Yang Zi river.

My computer is having Virus attack again with the wuauclt.exe keep showing up, since 8.30pm , I am attempting to resolve it.

I read from the google search, this virus is from Microsoft window lives auto updates program.

Windows errors related to wuauclt.exe ?
wuauclt.exe is a process managing automatic updates for Microsoft Windows. This process continuously checks for the latest updates and uses the Internet to do so. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: The wuauclt.exe file is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. In other cases, wuauclt.exe is a virus, spyware, trojan or worm! Check this with......

Certainly, I am very upset like you do with Microsoft business conducts on these low standard of practice.

I am not impress.

According to Gotama, whatever the good deed once do by offering money & kinds would not be excuse from facing own karma due even after death.

The following is the Poem from Li Bai

故 人 西 辭 黃 鶴 樓,

煙 花 三 月 下 揚 州。

孤 帆 遠 影 碧 山 盡,

唯 見 長 江 天 際 流。


Thank fuyanyu for the poem in mandarin


昔 人 已 乘 黄 鹤 去,

此 地 空 余 黄 鹤 楼。

黄 鹤 一 去 不 复 返,

白 云 千 载 空 悠 悠!!

晴 川 历 历 汉 阳 树,

芳 草 萋 萋 鹦 鹉 洲。

日 暮 乡 关 何 处 是,

烟 波 江 上 使 人 愁!!

The above poem from Cui Jing.

Thank Luo Shaoyang for the post.


I like to thank Shi Han & his dad's Shi Yong for hosting my visit in WuHan, although is short trip.

But Shi Yong is very kind & attentive in making the best arrangement.

I whole heartily appreciate it.

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